iPhone 5 is eagerly awaited in the country and is already available in the grey market at sky-high prices, touching over Rs 1 lac. It is the fastest selling smartphone of all time, with 5 million units sold over the first weekend itself. With this device, Apple broke its mould of 3.5-inch screens and ventured into the 4-inch screen size domain and introduced the all-new Lightning dock connector and EarPods.
the iPhone 5 will bear pricing similar or higher to the iPhone 4S (Rs. 44,500 for the 16GB model), when it launched it in India last year. Pricedeckho.com reports that the iPhone 5 will be priced at Rs. 62,990 approximately, without revealing the variant.
Recently, when Apple slashed prices of its phones in India, the iPhone 4 was given a price tag of Rs 28,300, which is quite high considering that it is two years old.
Apple has been making efforts to penetrate the Chinese market, but seems to largely ignore India's potential. On the other hand, Samsung, the arch rival of Apple in the smartphone domain,has already made inroads into India and is perched right at the top of the smartphone market in the country. India has become one of the biggest markets for the South Korean company's mobile division.
Nevertheless, things seem to be changing for India, as Apple looks set to bring its latest offering to the country within a short span of its worldwide launch, especially considering that the first iPhone was never launched here.