Samsung has started taking pre-orders for the Galaxy Note II in India on its official e-store. Buyers are required to pay a sum of Rs 5,000 in advance to book the phablet, while the rest has to be paid within fifteen days of official launch of the device in the country. Samsung has not revealed the cost of the Galaxy Note II in the country as of now.
Galaxy Note II will be shipped on first-come-first-serve basis, depending on the timing for completing the full payment. The South Korean manufacturer will ship a free desktop dock with the Galaxy Note II for free to those who pre-order the device early. Only those who make full payment within the first three days of the launch of the phablet will be awarded the free desktop dock.
Those users who pre-order the device have to make full payment for the Galaxy Note within 15 days of launch, otherwise the booking will be cancelled and the sum of Rs 5,000 will not be refunded. Samsung will send an email to all those who made pre-orders stating the official launch of the device.
Samsung had also employed a similar pre-booking strategy for Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet and Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone in India.
The original Samsung Galaxy Note was a huge success for the company as it sold 10 million units worldwide since launch. This came as a surprise to many as its success was not a surety due to its size, as the similarly-sized Dell Streak had failed in the market.
The all-new Samsung Galaxy Note II features a 5.55-inch HD SuperAMOLED touchscreen and runs Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean), the latest edition of Google's mobile operating system. It is compatible with the S Pen, a stylus, and comes with pre-installed apps like Air View, Popup Note and Popup Play. The device is powered by a 1.6GHz quad-core processor with 2GB RAM and comes with 16GB of internal storage, with support for microSD card of up to 64GB capacity.
Galaxy Note II will be shipped on first-come-first-serve basis, depending on the timing for completing the full payment. The South Korean manufacturer will ship a free desktop dock with the Galaxy Note II for free to those who pre-order the device early. Only those who make full payment within the first three days of the launch of the phablet will be awarded the free desktop dock.
Those users who pre-order the device have to make full payment for the Galaxy Note within 15 days of launch, otherwise the booking will be cancelled and the sum of Rs 5,000 will not be refunded. Samsung will send an email to all those who made pre-orders stating the official launch of the device.
Samsung had also employed a similar pre-booking strategy for Galaxy Note 10.1 tablet and Samsung Galaxy S III smartphone in India.
The original Samsung Galaxy Note was a huge success for the company as it sold 10 million units worldwide since launch. This came as a surprise to many as its success was not a surety due to its size, as the similarly-sized Dell Streak had failed in the market.
The all-new Samsung Galaxy Note II features a 5.55-inch HD SuperAMOLED touchscreen and runs Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean), the latest edition of Google's mobile operating system. It is compatible with the S Pen, a stylus, and comes with pre-installed apps like Air View, Popup Note and Popup Play. The device is powered by a 1.6GHz quad-core processor with 2GB RAM and comes with 16GB of internal storage, with support for microSD card of up to 64GB capacity.