Sunday, 16 September 2012

Jailbreaking iOS 6 / 6.0, Should You Update?


iOS 6.0 is coming soon and will make a difference for many people. One of the most asked questions we have been getting recently relates to when the new jailbreak will come out. Due to unpatchable previous exploits and other circumstances it will depend on what device generation that will determine its eligibility.

The iPhone 4 / 3GS and iPod Touch 4G will be able to be jailbroken as soon as or right after the release of iOS 6, however, the jailbreak will be tethered. The untethered jailbreak for these devices will come out at the same time as the rest of the devices.The iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad 2, and iPad 3 will most likely not be jailbroken soon. When a jailbreak comes it will most likely be untethered.
Updating to iOS 6 will lose your current jailbreak. We hope this post has helped you decide what to do when iOS 6 appears iniTunes this or next week.

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